Saturday, April 17, 2010

Bern (Switzerland)

Bern (Switzerland) small bean on the road at the Carnival holiday, reason enough for MIA and me, Swiss wiedermal backpack to pack this time to our neighbour and to visit my sister Wahlheimat.

The day of arrival to Bern was extremely poorly chosen: Saturday, Ferienende in some federal States of Austria, fine weather which seduced many skiers with sack and Schiern in the Swiss mountains. Add came a site along route Vienna - Zurich where only week-ends will be built. The combination of these positive and less positive reasons meant our train with an hour abfuhr delay of Innsbruck and in the book at the border between Austria and Switzerland completely blessed the temporal.With regional trains, eingequetscht between verschwitzten Schifahrern gings on detours continue to Bern where we finally yet arrived two hours late.

Berne has to us almost exclusively masked by Hochnebel and presented with temperatures below zero, which is why we have seen much of the city. The Bernese Baer, which took a few months ago a new Pen we could not escape; the cold, not to the fearsome sight of the Bernese bear have however forced us to a rapid withdrawal.Also, Mia is well but still too small to find favour to a bear. 'S, it is probably too small to get the attention of the bear...

As to the low visual contact with Berne we have given us a Swiss language bath. Initial 10% we understood at least 30% at the end of direct talks. After I had cracked the typical for Switzerland suffix "li" I understood is much more. Simply the li wegdenken and already many words made much more sense than scheinte at first. Conversations between Swiss, however, remained a mystery until the end. Also Mia was acquainted by a very wohlerzogenen young Swiss boys with the Swiss language. The small Luan taught what is a barking ski it, among other things. Which distributes now happily, although somewhat sabbernd to each which very nice asks. Because of their age members in this country, we have Swiss women to 50 upwards not differ in their interest in young children experienced some Kosenamen for small children. My favorite: Small bean.Luage mol de kliine bean! Similar and so we very often heard slogans. The rest of the comments remained, however, hidden behind a veil of fog usually as Berne.

Additional information: although I have seen little of Bern, I felt already is a very family-friendly city. Public transport is very well organized, practically a delay foreign Word, and everywhere it comes easily with prams.It is pleasantly quiet and not at all hectic.To see are in Bern for children all ahead of course the Bernese bear which is soon two more are both.Swimming in the Aare River which flows through Bern in summer.There is also plenty impressive mountains, which can be easily reached by public transport nearby Bern.
If you arrive by train over Austria should avoid Saturdays possible, particularly against Ferienbeginn and end.

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